Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rocky Mountain National Park- Day 17

We left South Dakota this morning at 7am on our way to Colorado. The drive was not too bad, one of our shortest at 6 ½ hours but with all of the gas trips, lunch and the dreaded Wal-Mart shopping trip it is more like 8 ½ hours. We arrived at Rocky Mountain National Park and then right into our campground called Moraine Campground. It is nice but hard to compare with South Dakota and Yellowstone before that. We are camping in the Rocky Mountains so we won't complain. We quickly set up camp and then went for a walk around the campground. Shortly into the walk we did see a deer in our campground which was exciting for Leah. This campground has lots of pine trees and wildflowers. We had dinner and then went to the ranger program in the amphitheater right next to our campsite… it was about the alpine tundra. This park has a mountain that is over 14,000 feet high so the environment there is totally different including the wildlife and vegetation. It was interesting to hear how different it is. I don't think we will make it up to the tundra, they are doing construction on the road and the drive is 1 ½ hours at least and Tim is so done driving! So, even though we won't make it up there, at least we got to see the photos. After the program it was off to bed, a long day…

1 comment:

  1. I'll share my motorcycle photos from that drive with you and you will feel like you did it yourself!
